• Libellé inconnu,

Séminaire MODAL'X : Clément Erignoux (Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Inria et Université de Lille)

Publié le 11 février 2021 Mis à jour le 19 mai 2021

Stefan problems for kinetically constrained lattice gases


le 27 mai 2021

En direct sur Teams
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Résumé : Kinetically Constrained Lattice Gases (KCLG) have been proposed as the conservative counterparts to Kinetically Constrained Models (KCM), and offer a range of toy models for phase transitions and interfaces progression. In this talk, I will describe a few examples of KCLGs and describe some of the mathematical challenges they offer. I will present recent results on their scaling limit in the diffusive scaling, that converges to a so-called two-phased Stefan problem (or Free boundary problem), as well as results on the evolution of their microscopic structure. I will also give some heuristic arguments to explain some of these results, and briefly present ongoing projects where we explore 2-dimensional analogous models.

Mis à jour le 19 mai 2021